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Listen in to find your purpose

Listen in to find your purpose

For most of us, somewhere along the line the question arises: “why am I here? What is my purpose?” For some of us, these questions create quite a soul search in the job department. When we start to wake up from the thought trains we once identified with, we suddenly...
The road was never meant to be bumpy

The road was never meant to be bumpy

Airports are truly great gateways for awakening. So much excitement and noise, it’s the perfect environment to practice awareness. To remain as what is. Instead of getting caught up in the shapes and forms appearing around me, or in the thoughts and emotions...
Make your work a love affair

Make your work a love affair

Today it dawned on me again: being love is enough. Everything we are searching for in this world: love, acceptance, being seen, worthiness, joy, it’s all right here. It’s all here. Because we are thát. And I know this may sound like one of those airy-fairy statements...
Dancing with transformation

Dancing with transformation

– Cha Cha real smooth –  On dancing with transformation ?✨ So here you are, moving through life as a true determiner of energy. Using your intent and focus, choosing your experience of life freely and deliberately and then… You suddenly feel like shit. It...
Inviting overflow into our lives

Inviting overflow into our lives

Last week my sister and I, we booked locations for our upcoming trip to South Africa. The booking websites did a particularly good job at inviting the energy of lack into the equation: “you missed it, this place is already sold out”, “xx many people are currently...