90 days to UNLEASH YOUR PURPOSE: Clarity & Confidence to make the impact you are meant to make
Take the LEAP
Unleash your Purpose
Eveline van Dusseldorp
Do you feel you aren’t making the impact you know you are meant to make?
Do you feel you are still running around in an unfulfilling hamster wheel in your business or life?
Do you want to (re)align your business and life with your true calling and create high level impact through your unique leadership?
“The real reason you feel frustrated and unfulfilled in your business or career has nothing to do with your capabilities…
it is about your alignment with your calling.”
As seen in…

Hi there, I am Eveline
As a former Management Consultant turned Certified Coach I am helping leaders and entrepreneurs get clear on their calling and step up as the leader of their mission, so they can have impact and make money in their business, while being who they truly are.
Through my coaching services, I am providing support and guidance to the passionate leaders, entrepreneurs, change makers and coaches to step into their next level leadership and express their purpose out into the world fully, so they can break free from the hamster wheel and be of service to the new world we are co-creating together.
My purpose is to help you find clarity about your purpose and bring that purpose out into the world as the leader of a business with impact. A Soul Aligned Business is what I call that: a business that is aligned to who you really are and what you are here to do.
It has been and still is .. truly transformative. I am “in awe” about Eveline’s knowledge and what she has transferred and set in motion within me.
Because I came to such clarity in our sessions on what I really wanted, I found my absolute dream project a few months later!
Magic, that’s the right word to express the coaching sessions with Eveline.
Eveline has so much knowledge. She is the most inspirational and productive person to work with. She does not have a strong connection with the universe, she’s the highway!
We owe a lot to Eveline. Working with her is one of the best things that happened to me in my work.
It’s rare that you come across an authentic and warm person like Eveline. Especially her ability to sense the need for change and to ask the right questions for that to happen is impressive. That skill often takes years to develop, but it seems to come entirely natural to her.
Her rich experience with businesses in combination with her open and curious nature for many other sides of life (such as spirituality, other cultures and nature) make her a very special woman. She inspires me enormously, which helps me in my work and “being”.
I often think back about the great insights I got out of these sessions and whenever I feel I need more support, I will most definitely ask Eveline to coach me again.
“I’ll help you take the lead of yourself and follow your purpose in a way that allows you to live your life with impact, abundance and freedom.“
What is your calling?
Let’s find out so you can make impact!
I know how it feels to be stuck in the hamster wheel of your life, career, or business. I know what it’s like to secretly hope for everything to fall apart, so you’d finally give yourself permission to think, shift and change direction. I know how it feels to be scared to death you will never truly rise up as the powerhouse leader you know yourself to be.
I’ve been there, in that place of knowing you are meant for so much more. So let’s find out what you are called to be and create the vision of a business that is connected to who you are. Let go of your doubts and fears and open up to the possibilites to make impact with your unique gifts.
Let’s Unleash your Purpose and create a Soul Aligned Business, so you can have the true impact your are here for!
Grab your free guide
3 Steps to Unleash your Purpose
so you can have impact doing what you love

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