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Using creativity to find your connection

Using creativity to find your connection

“Use your words!” is what my sister often shouts out to me. Do you know that feeling, that you actually have so much to say, but you just can’t seem to find your words? It’s like the feelings, the thoughts, the experiences and concepts that...
Using your intention to find freedom

Using your intention to find freedom

You quite likely heard of it somewhere down the road. The word ‘intention’. As in: what is your intention? And you might have thought it was just a fancy hipster word for something like ‘goal’. Or at least I thought so! And although I got used to the word and started...
Surfing the waves of chaos

Surfing the waves of chaos

This is it. The moment you’ve been waiting for. We all knew it wasn’t going to last. We all knew things needed to shift big time. This is it. The momentum for the big shifts is here. And it starts with you. Within you. Right now in this second. Didn’t you secretly...
Using chaos to turn your life around

Using chaos to turn your life around

In these times of uncertainty we either tend to hold on to everything we know and can control, to every little bit of solidity we can find, or we turn to stress; to panic, fear, overwhelm, or frantic action. What if we tried something else? Not as a way to put a...
The road was never meant to be bumpy

The road was never meant to be bumpy

Airports are truly great gateways for awakening. So much excitement and noise, it’s the perfect environment to practice awareness. To remain as what is. Instead of getting caught up in the shapes and forms appearing around me, or in the thoughts and emotions...